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PACE - Stuart Discount

pace.stuartD Stuart Discount Chief Commercial Officer, Allied Global BPO

Stuart began his career in the teleservices industry in 1977 and opened his own call center company 1 2 1 Direct Response in 1988. In his role as CEO he grew the company to over 1,000 employees and multiple call centers in the US and Guatemala.

Stuart currently is the Chief Executive Officer at the Professional Association for Customer Engagement (PACE). After 25 years as a volunteer, including roles as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Government Affairs committee, Stuart was hired to lead the association as CEO. PACE is the only trade association that is entirely focused on the contact center industry. Stuart has represented the contact center industry for many years in the halls of Congress and with the FCC and FTC.

Stuart a graduate of Temple University resides with his wife in Yardley, Pa.

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